
Tuesday, June 26

The Nursery

It only took us three months but i finally got around to taking pictures of the nursery! because she came a few weeks early i wasn't totally finished with some of my projects when she was born or else i would have done this post a while ago. but, i'm pleased with the way it turned out. yellow and gray is my all time favorite color combo.{i used this same combo as my wedding colors} i started collecting things to put in her room before we knew her gender because i figured yellow and gray would work with either sex.

we still have a little ways to go until it's all finished but, i've learned that's always the case with any room or any house.

p.s. every single thing in this room was either made by us, or gifted. no purchases. a list of items is at the bottom of this post.

twine "Bayli Grey": homemade, tutorial coming soon.
canvas with foot prints: homemade
closet curtains and crib sheet: homemade, material purchased at walmart.
window "black out" curtains: homemade by my mom and I, tapestry fabric purchased at Hobby Lobby
rocking chair: thrifted/gifted by my parents as a christmas present, garrison sanded, repaired, and painted it.
b&w pictures hanging on the wall: taken and framed for my film photography project in college.
books and toys: hand me downs from my sister-in-law Wendy, or gifted at baby showers. (thank you cards on their way i promise!)
shelves: left by previous renters -viewed here-, we painted them with leftover paint from the backsplash of our grandma hutch.
the framed "B": made for me out of buttons from my sister-in-law Nani.
"b is for Bayli" and yellow bird plate: gifted/made for me by Katie.
the crib: handed down from Wendy, Garrison re-fashioned it and painted it.
the flowers: old decorations from our wedding.
the teddy bear is my old build-a-bear (her name is Delilah) she's wearing bayli's hospital shirt and a tutu i made her for easter.

if you want to see how we've organized her closet here ya go! {picture was taken before the room was finished}

projects yet to be completed:
re-covering the blue ottoman
sewing ruffle crib skirt
changing out the b&w pictures to pictures of her.
figuring out what to do with that blank wall. (if you have any ideas i'd love to hear them in the comments below!)


  1. With the blank wall you could put one of those alphabet walls in different fonts and such on there.

  2. You need a mobile above her crib. You can have Garrison cut out bird silhouettes and you can paint them in the grey and yellow. As for the wall a tree silhouette would be really cool.
