
Friday, June 29

Racer Stripes

While re-fashioning i prefer taking things in (making them smaller) instead of letting them out (making them bigger) because it's usually easier and takes less seam ripping. -i'm determined the devil invented that tool- but... this on the other hand is an awesome way to make a pencil skirt that fits just a bit too small a little bigger while making you look ten times slimmer at the same time. And no seam ripping required! if you haven't already worn a skirt or dress with racer stripes... guurrl your missin' out. cause, you instantly turn into the sexiest thing you've ever seen. sexy enough to wear a leather jacket. yeah... intense i know.

so. here's the deal:
find a skirt that's too small and get some dark knit material a little longer than the length of your skirt that matches. (black, navy blue, dark brown, or even deep purple would all work awesome)
then cut off the side seams plus a little bit (i'll give you a hint, i didn't cut off enough and had to make up for it later also... make sure to cut so that it leaves the right curves of a pencil skirt... the cut shouldn't be a straight line)
cut your dark knit material to fit you will want at least 3 inches wide in order to get the right effect. (my strips are 4 inches) 
then pin and sew your strips into the skirt making sure to fold over the top and bottom to make a "kinda" waistband and room for a hem on bottom. do this on both sides

hem around the bottom
then cut off your corners -without cutting your stitch so that you won't see the gross inseam when it's flipped right side out (if you use a serger this step would be removed)

I really really love this skirt. it's super slimming because the eye is tricked by the dark stripes on the side. 4 whole inches get visually removed from my body. the knit material makes it so that it will stretch and grow with me incase i grow. and... it's actually way more comfy and easy to walk in because of the knit black material. 

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