
Wednesday, August 15

Throw Back Thursday

i know, i know, it's not Thursday. but just hear me out.

on instagram, there is a trend going around called #throwbackthursday or #tbt. the concept is that you can post pictures from awhile ago, instead of pictures from the current day. well, because my computer broke (another story for another day) i have been using some other random computers, like my friends, my moms, my husbands, my sisters, etc in order to try and post daily. sometimes i've just had to do a post without a single personal picture like this one. and others with only pictures from my phone like this and this. well, today, because i've spent the entire day talking about memories with my sister and mother as we cleaned out our "junk room" i've decided to take this opportunity of using others computers to do a "throw back thursday" week. there are a few things that i've never written about that i feel should have an appearance on my blog so that i will be able to remember them.  including: my wedding. our honeymoon to Greece, random childhood memories, bridal/engagement pictures, etc. be prepared for those to appear on my blog this week.

today, since i am at my mothers computer, i'm gonna post a few pictures of me while i was growing up.

get ready for the worlds largest photo dump!!!
pretending to shave
singing by the piano
mom always doing crazy things with our hair

 finding easter eggs in the snow
 realizing the veil looks better as a cape
 dance classes
that moment when your stuck in a tree because even a one foot drop seems like too much
 vacations with family
Apparently i like to match things. like my dolls, and dogs, and friends....

 hawaii... yeah it was fun. but did you feel the muscles on those islanders?!? i did
 the people in the other car's faces. epic
that one time i won the state science fair. nerd alert!
 elementary graduation
 i really loved the fact that my initials were VW back in the day. 
 my first date
 gotta love that BYU vs UofU rivalry
times with family
 in costa rica
 then... a few months later on a cruise
getting asked and going to dances

some of my high school friends
 in hair school the three of us were inseparable.
 i really like the beach... or maybe not.
 all of a sudden... my first date grew up and left on his mission.
 and i still liked to match.
 and do crazy things with my hair.
 i got a new group of friends.
 ...and then another one.
 and instead of pretending to look pregnant.... i did it for real.
but... it was fun along the way.
I guess my "childhood" is officially over now that i have a child of my own. but it sure is worth reminiscing.

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