
Wednesday, February 20

a love note to the month of love

Dear February.
i have always loved your month. it's the best relief after the years worst month, and to top it off, somehow it's always been filled with love, i like to tell myself that it's not because "valentines day" happens this month but instead just because your a good month. and to earn more brownie points, i've never gone to a "single awareness" party. cause seriously people... i'd rather be sitting at home alone with my own full size tub of ice cream than go to one of those things.

this year now that this month is more than halfway over, looking back some of the biggest things that have happened are actually really sad. Bayli got sick for the first time, that cough of hers and the always flowing runny nose. she looked so miserable, and lost so much weight. honestly next year a little more warmth would be greatly appreciated. remember that night that garrison and i decided it's time to move back in with my parents again.  <double sigh> lots and lots of tears were shed just thinking about leaving our neighborhood that night. i stopped nursing my little baby and people have started calling her a toddler. depressing. and, it really seems like there are things in each aspect of our lives that are just stuck.

but, even now as i am writing you this love note, i'm realizing that in the bigger perspective there are many more things to be grateful for this month than things to be sad about. like remember that one week when garrison and i did a little "love experiment"? and remember that time that my little sister fell in love with the man of her dreams. remember how she has her glow back? and how her eyes light up when shes around him, and she can't help but smile basically alllll the time, and how she's my baby sister again! on valentines day i captured probably the sweetest picture of my little girl. it's been determined that she was so photogenic because i had just filled her tummy with red heart pancakes. who wouldn't be smiling after eating hearts for breakfast? can you believe my little baby Bay is already up and WALKING like a boss?!? and can you believe that one night when my best-est friend of 10 years (TEN YEARS? has it really been that long??) said yes to her best friend as he was down on one knee asking to be hers forever. -i told you that it's the month of love-

basically, i know that no month can be perfect. but so far, it's been pretty good. now you just need to make sure that i don't completely screw up my musical performance this weekend and i think we will be good. :)

thank you February, you've been very good to us.

if you're ready to see some mushy gushy proposal pictures, go ahead and look at these.
seriously, if you don't smile looking at these... you don't have a heart. proposals are just the sweetest things.
congrats Chels and Marcus i can't wait till August 8th!

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