
Friday, December 27

Christmas Day 2013

after going through all my christmas photo's from this year, realizing that all of them were taken by my good ol' low quality cell phone, and the fact that i have an almost two year old in the pictures means that my shutter was not fast enough to capture her in still moments. because, well, it's christmas, and there just aren't any still moments for almost two year olds. right? (unlike last year, boy they grow so fast!) so... this might be the shortest christmas post on the internet, but... we had a great christmas at our house. my sister and her new husband came over, as well as my parents to watch bayli walk into the living room, see all that awaited her, open her stocking, and open her three presents under the tree. 

garrison's 3 presents were:
-a new outfit (gold)
-a new phone (frankincense)
-a bb gun (myrrh)

My 3 presents were:
-necklace with a G and B (gold)
-$$$ for a vacation this spring (frankincense)
-a calligraphy set (myrrh)

Bayli's 3 presents were:
-new jean pants (gold)
-two play motorcycles (frankincense)
-homemade blocks (myrrh)

if you want to read our post on why we do the three presents click here.

 ^^i think the wood is just beautiful! garrison did such a great job making these^^
 ^^i decided to draw and paint these as gifts for my sister and brother this year^^
^^my two new necklaces^^

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