
Monday, December 22

It's A Girl!!!

I cannot believe i am typing that title again! If you follow me on instagram then you probably already know that Bayli has been positive that this baby was a girl from the very beginning. Garrison and I both were hoping for a boy, but her enthusiasm for a sister has been very easy to catch. We had our 20 week ultrasound (halfway!!) last saturday and all is looking healthy and happy with our little miss.

so here's the story of how we shared the news with our family.

In order to get our ultrasound done before christmas then there was only one time slot available... right in the middle of my families christmas party. so... i told a few lies -like how they weren't able to get us in before christmas-, and on the day of the party, we came over, helped set up, i drank my million bottles of water that they require for the ultrasound so your bladder is nice and full, hung out with the family some more, and then sneaked out of the house when no one was looking. I told my sister-in-law what we were doing so that in case they freaked out or something she could do damage control for us while we were gone. :)

at the appointment, the technician started out by looking at the placenta, the baby's organs, and brain. very amazing and intriguing stuff, but not necessarily "cute." then she started looking at the baby's face, lips, and profile. during this time, even though at this point i was still hoping for a boy, for some reason when i looked at my baby's face i just couldn't help but think she was "beautiful" ...not handsome. "beautiful." which should have been my first clue. anyway, then the time finally came to find out the gender. the technician got a nice clear shot and said, "see those three lines? that means..." and typed on the screen "GIRL! GIRL! GIRL!" garrison and i freaked out a bit while bayli continued to play whatever game she was playing, and then we were driving home getting ready to see the family.

our family does a big white elephant exchange, so in the car, i put away the blue duck ornament, and wrapped up the pink baby duck ornament. this was going to be one of our white elephant gifts. we got to the party, apologized for being gone and then continued talking with everyone like normal. by some miracle, we broke tradition and did the gift exchange first. our little brown box, all tied up with string, was one of the few still sitting there in the pile of presents when it was my mothers turn to open a present. She grabs the box, and my heart starts to flutter. garrison reaches for his phone to start recording... then she puts down the box and starts shaking some of the others, trying to pick. my emotions are already on edge as i go from excited, to nervous, and then deflated as she set the box down, but in the end she chooses the box and starts opening. garrison pushes record. She see's the ornament and starts laughing, probably thinking "well... i guess i should have traded for the toilet paper instead" (it really was a pretty ugly duck.) then my niece ask's "what is it??" and mom shows the rest of us what she had opened. it's my sister who first says "is this an announcement?" and at her words all of those emotions start flooding out of me through my tear ducts and i start nodding my head as the entire family turns their attention from my mother, to me, at the other end of the room. my sister yells "it's a girl?!?" and rushes over to give me a hug. my father sitting on the couch is just staring at me in awe, emotional but not letting it show, and my mother keeps shaking her head in disbelief saying "really? really?" garrison starts explaining that we had just come from the ultrasound appointment. and then it all becomes a blur. everyone's yelling, and laughing, and smiling, and surprised that we were able to pull it off, and that my mother of all people who happens to collect "special ornaments" from the memorable things in the year picked the box, and how now no one is allowed to steal the ugly duck from her, and proudly puts it on the center of the tree and gives me a hug.

all of the presents opened up after that seemed kind of lame.

basically, i am soooo excited for my little bayli to get a sister. sister's are the very best and i am so glad that bayli will have one close in age, just like me.

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