
Tuesday, January 6

Baby Update (22 weeks)

more frequently than i ever imagined, garrison and i have been looking through this silly little blog of ours to reminisce about what life was like back when i was pregnant the first time and when bayli was a newborn. i had no clue at the time how much i would LOVE the fact that i documented all of those things. i really was doing it mostly for my extended family, i knew that someday i would look back on these posts, but i had no clue that "someday" would be a few short years later.

because of this new appreciation i have for documenting the little things... that is one of my goals for 2015. to blog more, even if it means short, semi-useless posts. if i were trying to gain more followers, then the blogging big wigs would tell me "not to post anything that isn't share-able and pinterest worthy", but if im doing it for me, then i say "go and do!" 

being pregnant with number two has left me nervous and anxious about so many things. one of which is how to make this new baby girl feel as special and important as we have made bayli feel. for example, i posted a picture of bayli every single day on this blog for her first month. i doubt i would have done that with this kid had i not recently looked through those pictures of bayli and remembered. our lives were, and have been, centered around bayli. how can i make our lives centered around two different individuals? i know that there's no way to have two firstborns, but raising firstborns is what i know how to do. how do you do this second born thing? 

anyway. because i haven't figured out the perfect plan, and i want our new baby to feel as special as bayli. i am going to try to blog, and take pictures of our new little one both individually and as a sister during her first few months at least. i would love to also do the "day by day" series that i did with bayli's first month, and posting frequently on instagram of both of them. 

this means a whole lot more posts, and i know i will have a whole lot less time. so that equation doesn't balance out nicely but that's the plan regardless.

for updating's sake... let's start tracking this pregnancy a little better... whadaya say?

How Far Along: 22 weeks

Food Comparison: size of a spaghetti squash (1 pound)

Total Weight Gain: 1 pound (i started out at 135, lost 10 pounds during my first trimester due to extreme morning sickness and now weigh 126)

Maternity Clothes?: nope but by the end of the night, my pants totally have to be unbuttoned cause my lower abdomen get's extra sensitive and sore. 

Stretch Marks? no new ones, just the ones bayli left behind.

Sleep? i slept like a rock for 12-14 hours nightly with my first pregnancy (literally). this time around i am getting up twice at night to pee or because of a nightmare and have a really hard time falling back asleep once i've woken. i probably get 7 hours a night. which is about 3 hours less than i'd prefer. still can't nap.

Movement? i have been able to feel her every single day since we were 18 weeks along. she's very active and loves to stretch!

Gender? Girl

Lactating? not yet. i started lactating at 14 weeks with bayli (way early) and luckily this time around i haven't started yet.

Food Cravings? salty foods, and salads. i hate the taste of sweet things. i have disliked sugar this entire pregnancy so far.

Labor Signs? actually... yes. one week ago i started contracting everyday, just in the evenings for a few hours until i fell asleep. contractions were about 10-15 minutes apart and got better once i rested. this same thing happened with bayli, but it didn't start until i was about 26 weeks pregnant, and lasted until i delivered her at 36 weeks.

New Info From Doctor? the placenta is lower than they would like and so we will be tracking it as she grows to see if it moves out of the way so that i can have a vaginal delivery. the dr says that most often it moves out of the way as she grows, but if not... then i would need to have a c-section. she is also measuring about 2 weeks smaller than most. this could be because of the low placenta, or just because i make small babies, either way they are tracking that as well via more frequent ultrasounds, if she continues to grow slowly, then they will induce me early and start feeding her on a controlled schedule with breastmilk. they are minor problems, but things to keep an eye on. nothing serious.

Here's the link to my first few weeks of belly shots when i was pregnant with bayli if you'd like to compare. :)

since i haven't done any of these baby updates before... here's my first belly bump picture that i took at 18 weeks to use as a reference.

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