
Friday, January 23

Girl Without a Name

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on my side of the family, the girls names all end in "i"

it's a fun tradition that i am excited to carry on to my girls, and something that they can choose to participate in themselves when the time comes for them to have daughters, but i hope they do!

coming up with Bayli's name was really easy. it's a name i have loved for years, and when i told it to garrison, he was instantly on board. this time around things have not been so easy... we have considered almost every potential "ending in i name" under the sun. all around our house you will find scraps of paper with names written down, trying to figure out how to spell it with an "i" or just unique names that i wanted to remember.

i feel like naming a child is such a big deal. it determines so many things, and is so permanent. Garrison and i both have unique names, and we love them! plus, we have the last name of "Jones" which is obviously really unique. but seriously, because of our plain last name, we feel like we can be a little unique with the first, and middle names. i am the more eclectic of the two of us, and tend to gravitate toward some pretty weird names, for example, the grey part of bayli grey is more of a reflection of my personality than garrison's.

another thing that complicates things is that i am really picky... not only do i want it to be a name that ends in an i, but also a name that doesn't sound like a nickname(like cami, or bri, or gigi) and i like them to have two-three syllables, i don't want it start with a "B" because we already have a Bayli, and i'm okay with some unique spellings, but when it get's too weird... they just look embarrassing for the child and scream you are mormon in my opinion. as far as Garrison's requests go... he just wants the name to be semi normal, and for us to name her what we will be calling her. for example, he doesn't want us to name her "charlotte" knowing that we will only ever call her "lottie". so... obviously you can see the predicament we are in.

just for fun, and because i'm sure our little daughter would love looking back on this in the future... let's share some of the names we've considered recently.

First names:

Middle names:

Bayli... she just wants to name her "pinkie pie" i guess technically we could have that end in an i...

if any of you have suggestions or know of some cute names that end in an i that maybe we haven't seen before. i'd love to hear it in the comments below!


  1. Are Rosie, Millie, Alli considered knicknames? Of course you could do Staci, haha. We're kind of opposites. We want short and simple and for some reason the husband doesn't want it to end in the I sound. I've loved Millie from day one but I have yet to win. We do like Ivy. Not the actual "i" but the "I" sound.

  2. My friend just named her baby Zelli :) So there's a new one for you!

  3. I was thinking about names all night:) I really like Presley, Paisley, Hadley, Bentley.. I think all of those can be spelled with an I. Good luck, naming a baby can be very stressful!:)

  4. I love Remi!!
    What about Molli. Mallori. Aubri. Cali. Delani. Tenli. Hadlei.

  5. Oh! another one I heard was Arlee, pronounced like Karlee but take the K off. you could spell that with an I. sorry, I think girl names are much better than boy. :) I had 2 boys...
