
Tuesday, September 1

The *new* house

well, we moved. the new house, although not our style, or taste currently, is still an improvement from our other house. we are loving the added space, the covered patio in the back yard, and the garage. We have some pretty big plans for this home of ours. we don't have any plans of leaving anytime soon, so we have decided to take the renovations one room at a time, and slowly, so that we can save up money in-between projects so that we can do each room exactly the way we want it, instead of just "quickly" or "cheap" i guess i will have to learn how to humble myself and deal with living in these circumstances, and with these unusual design choices from the previous owners for a while until the time comes for us to put our mark on that room. anyway, lets just let the pictures do the talking:

Living Room

 Laundry Room/Pantry:

 1/2 Bath:
 Full Bath:
 Kids Bedroom:

 Kids Playroom:
 Master Bedroom
 View of Front Door:

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