
Monday, August 15


have you heard the saying "the Cobblers children have no shoes?" well, i fit that stereotype perfectly. my family's hair -including my own- takes very last priority. i can happily work on my clients hair till my fingers fall off, but for some reason when the time comes to cut my husbands hair, it goes down below scrubbing the toilet on my to-do list. (but, crazily enough, i'd hate it even more if he went to someone else.) and the same is true for my daughters, i honestly only style Bayli's hair twice a week. and most of the time it happens in the car, or on the church pew. Everli is no different, she has never been one to keep a bow, or a headband in her hair. we stopped even trying at around 5 months. so the other day when i decided to try putting her hair in pigtails, it was a big deal. a very big deal.

she is truly the cutest little stinker, and these pigtails make her even cuter if that's possible! of course these tails of hers only stayed in for about 10 minutes. so... maybe we're just destined to be as homely looking as the Cobblers after all. why fight it? :)

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