
Thursday, February 13

Valentines Bunting sewn with only one line

I have seen all of these cute bunting garlands around on pinterest, along with everybody else in the world, im sure. but... the thing that kept me from making them myself was that most of the professional looking ones had these perfectly sewn triangles, and, i really did not want to have to cut out, and sew two triangles together, flip right side out, iron... you know the drill. so, i decided to do this the much easier way.

I got a packet of moda charm pack quilt squares from a local quilting shop, but you could easily find yours online. i love how they have already paired together cute colors and styles for you. that way, you just pick one that you think will work for your own decor/holiday and boom your ready. all you have to do is buy the bias tape, iron, and sew one line. it's awesome. here's how i did it.

You Need:
27 quilting squares (5x5) or one "charm pack"
2 packets of bias tape, double fold, 3 yards each. making a total of 6 yards of bias tape.
thread to match bias tape
possibly a cutting board and pinking rotary cutter if you did not buy your quilting squares pre-cut.
total $ spent: ~15.00
pick out 27 of your favorites from the quilting squares in the charm pack (if you want to make your own quilt squares, just use your pinking rotary cutter or pinking scissors and cut out 27, 5 inch by 5 inch squares) but if your using the charm pack, they are already cut for you so you can skip this step.

make your pattern, i like to do this by placing them in piles, of light, medium and dark. then alternate shades as i make one big pile.
fold them in half from corner to corner, and iron. you just made a triangle, it will look super cute from both front and back, and wont fray because of the pinking cut along the edges.

now you sew two bias tape's together (making sure the bias tape isn't folded when you sew it) to make a total of 6 yards of bias tape. (or buy 6 yards worth at the store and skip this step) start sewing the bias tape without any triangles in it first to leave room for attaching it to the wall, post, etc. (about 10 inches) then you open the fold, stick the triangle's folded edge within the bias tape, and sew along. i like to leave about 1/2 inch between each triangle to make it not so crowded (if you prefer yours close together then you might be able to fit 28 or 29 squares instead) then, once you've used all of your triangles, finish sewing the bias tape closed to make the other end for attaching. cut strings and you are done!! here's a video from the yvestown blog if you would like to see. and the best part: no pinning!!

Happy Valentines Day!

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