
Monday, February 10

Valentines Fundraiser

with my new calling as young womens president, the most intimidating thing right now is planning for girls camp. as a presidency we have been talking about different ideas for girls camp fundraisers like, a bake sale, car wash, selling mothers day pies, etc. but, the one we decided on doing was a valentines day dinner and dance. 

the activity evolved as we planned for it, and by the end we had quite a few different items for sale, things to do, and a whole lot of really cute decorations. we made most of the decorations, and cards at mutual activities, and dipped the strawberries/pretzels on the mutual night closest to the activity. each of those mutual activities were very well received by the girls. 

the night started with a little munch and mingle activity where we sold most of our items, and had the ward members "mingle" on the couches that we brought in from the foyer and mothers lounge. :) then we served a spaghetti dinner and finally had a dance party at the end. it truly was such a fun night. 

using mostly decorations from home, buying food and items to sell for about 40 guests, we spent 200.00 and made a profit of just over 400.00 which is great for us because we only have 10 young women going to camp. maybe this will give you guys an idea of what to do for fundraisers for your youth!

the 3 course dinner was 10.00 per person.
the photo booth was 2.00 per person
the chocolate dipped strawberries/pretzels were .50 each
the pins were 1.00 each
the valentines cards were purchasable for whatever they could afford
we sold caricatures drawn by one of our young women.
and finally we sold single red roses for 2.00 that the girls will deliver on valentines day, since this activity was done a few days before valentines day. 

and... some of my favorites of the girls from the photo booth


  1. Lots of attractive photos collection here, i am so wonder after visit your photos collection. A big thanks for sharing with us !!

  2. This looks fun! What a great YW president!
