Tuesday, May 8

Sittin' By The Pool

if you've ever been down the diaper isle then you may have noticed that they don't sell size newborn swimming diapers. well, after asking around to see where they do sell them, and getting yelled at by moms that are much better at being mommies than i am, being told that i should not be swimming with my newborn anyway because of the bacteria in water. you should notice that we did not, in fact, go swimming with our little one but instead just did as this blog title suggests. we sat by the pool on our trip down to st george and by golly it was still so fun.
we also were able to go to a baseball game and visit with all of our family that live down there. it really was a party that weekend. honestly, whenever the entire family is together we are guaranteed a good time. and... we were also able to take a family photo with all of us! (this rarely happens) i loved being down there and being able to enjoy the hot nights and warmer weather. it really has gotten me more than excited for summer and the day when Bayli will finally fit into her swimming diapers and we can let her more than precious skin touch the bacteria infected water. yay!
dear little sis, thanks for graduating so that we could have such an enjoyable weekend! we are so proud of you and so happy to have you back home with us in good ol' utah county! we love you!

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