
Saturday, January 19

2012 year in review

looking back on all the things that happened this past year has been so much fun and has made me realize how much we were blessed and reminds me to be grateful for all that life has given us. So... i figured it would be good to share some of it with all of you plus "just a few" of our favorite random pictures from the year that aren't already on the blog.

Jan: moved back into my parents house on new years. celebrated our 1st anniversary up in a little b&b in SLC.

Feb: moved into our new home down by the lake and worked every single day on renovating the house to be ready for the new baby. Baxter, our dog, joined the family. we made friends and got callings in our new ward.

March: gave talks in sacrament meeting, mostly finished our house renovations by the time that Bayli was born and our lives were forever changed.

April: I took the month off from work at the salon and was able to heal quickly, watched way too much t.v. and soaked in those precious newborn days. Bayli smiled for the first time on mothers day. i found out what "instagram" was.

May: went back to work and i started sewing religiously in all my free time. Bayli was blessed at church, we went down to st george to see my my sister graduate from college and helped her move back home, we hiked the "Y" and went to the Tracy Aviary.

June: we realized that camping with a dog and baby does not work, instead daddy went on camping trips without us. we took a hike up to a waterfall. I finally dyed my hair after almost 2 years.

July: wrote the blog post that changed my life. (haha) had a trip to Idaho to see a rodeo, a trip to Spanish Fork to the carnival, and started our tradition of weekly summer BBQ's in our legit backyard.

August: i turned 22, Bayli got a wasp stuck in her shorts and was bit three times before i figured out what was wrong and killed the little striped devil.

September: garrison turned 26, little cousin Oakley was born, i was lucky enough to go to Swiss days in Midway. Bayli started sitting up all by herself.

October: garrison got a new truck! his grandmother passed away, and he caught lots of fish on the Provo river. after sewing a dress for my niece's halloween costume, we realized that the holidays would be more fun now with a kid. we dressed up as a fish, a fisherman, and a worm on a hook for Halloween.

November: Bayli saw her first snowfall. we had a wonderful thanksgiving spent with family, a weekend trip to St George for a wedding, and a trip to Las Vegas for a birthday.

December: a trip to California to be the Grand Marshalls in a parade, we started a new tradition of giving out candy to the BYU students walking into the testing center for finals week. Bayli's first Christmas was a success (video), and a little "chinese" new years eve.

it's crazy to think that all of this happened in one year! it's so weird how time can do that to us, make it seem like it's going soooo fast one day, and then days like today makes me look back and think, woah. that seemed like it happened FOREVER ago. time; for being so consistent, it sure doesn't seem like it. :)

i can't wait to see what next year will bring!

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