Friday, December 23

2011 Christmas Letter

Dear Friends and Family,

This year has been a big one for us, probably the biggest year we will ever have. (at least it feels that way) This year, we got married, I changed places of work, we went on vacation to Greece, and went on lots of little camping trips. I turned 21 and Garrison turned 25, we got pregnant. Garrison graduated from BYU and… we will be moving before the year is through. It’s a big list. Lots of fun and surprising changes!

I feel like I am a completely different person from last year, all I think about is being a mother someday and therefore, I don’t really fit in with my single crowd that I used to hang around. –They don’t really enjoy being talked to about my changing uterus all day long.- I’ve also had to mature in a lot of ways very quickly. The baby was a big surprise for us, but a welcomed one. I have become an addict of looking up information on Google and am trying to prepare myself for this new little human as much as I can by reading pretty much anything and everything on the internet and in books and magazines. I am also my own boss and working at a new salon and enjoying it very much. Work seems to be just perfect for me and I am happy where I am, working as much as I am.  I love it so much that I’m hoping to continue working after the baby is born.

Garrison is also preparing himself to be a father. He is working very hard with the same company he’s been with for about 5 years. He graduated from BYU extremely speedily so that we could just leave the schooling behind us while this baby is being born. He is preparing himself by becoming the best employee he possibly can, and still finding time to give me all the needed attention I demand. He picks up in areas where I lack, such as dishes, and laundry. And overall is the best support I could have asked for during this busy year. Now that he is graduated he is very excited to pick up his old hobbies again such as woodworking, pole dancing, and landscaping.

Much love from all 3 of us, and a Merry Christmas!
The Jones (Garrison, Valeri, and little kickers –due April 12th-)

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